HomeLatestPorcelain Challenge: The Truth Behind The Fake TikTok Trend

Porcelain Challenge: The Truth Behind The Fake TikTok Trend

Nowadays, it’s challenging to determine whether or not to believe in certain topics. Particularly on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram. Recently, there has been a trending challenge, but the truth is that the challenge is not something that spectators think of.

Individuals are being manipulated by social media to believe that certain things are true when they are not. The ‘Porcelain Challenge’ is trending on the social media platform.

Now, if a lot of people are reposting the videos and posts, it makes people wonder if it’s actually true, given how willing people are to share. And some people are unaware of the truth. Let’s explore what the ‘Porcelain Challenge’ is and what’s happening.

‘Porcelain Challenge’ Is Definitely Not Real

Let’s get this out of the way first. If you thought this challenge was real, you were mistaken. You’ll be surprised to learn that there’s fake Fox news on this challenge to make it appear authentic.

Sebastian Durfee, whose username is @childprogeny, initiated this challenge and convinced other users that it was true. It’s making users think that teenagers are being encouraged to snort powder chinaware as a result of this fake TikTok trend.

Many people online thought it was brand new and then used hashtags and re-shared the video, believing it was real. In the video, the TikToker said, “Do you think if we plan it together to boomers to freak out about a fake TikTok challenge and what if we call it the Porcelain challenge and we say like ‘Oh, Gen Z is like grinding up their parent’s china into a fine powder and snorting it.’”

Then the user penned the video, “Help me make videos with the hashtag #porcelainchallenge to freak out the boomers.”

There’s Even A Fake News Headline On ‘Porcelain Challenge’

Even if you don’t always believe that the trend is truly the case, you might start believing after seeing a fake headline or news screenshot. However, Fox News is also a forgery.

The fake Fox news headline reads, “What’s the Porcelain challenge? A new TikTok trend encourages teenagers to snort powder chinaware.”

Fox news never posted anything regarding this fake challenge. Plus, a lot of people are constantly sharing videos and penning their own captions. Some of them might be doing it for fun, while others are actually believing.

And now it has become a trend. That’s also a fake trend. Might be confusing, right? Don’t believe everything you read or see on the internet.

Along with this, there is another Instagram trend that asks users to search “#embedded.” They tempt users to search, and then the account is automatically logged out. Users who forget their password or are unable to log in due to a lack of credentials will lose their account.

And there’s another thing going on where people are being sent links and told to say things that will allure others to click on the link. In seconds, the account will be hacked.

Did you believe this fake TikTok challenge? You are welcome to stay tuned with us to know the truth about more trends in the future. And stay alert!

Ayman Bhorania
Ayman Bhorania
A Writer By Heart. Ayman Is Captivated By Movies & Shows, And She's Writing It Here. If She's Not Writing, You Will Find Her Watching Shows, Or Probably Playing Games!


  1. Tik took needs to be banned. If your a parent you need to ban this app from your children. People cant even justify the usefulness of the app. The car hacks are laughable, the challenges are dangerous. Chicken Nyquil, filter challenge encouraging people to get naked, then exposed, now this! Okay cute challenges like the mannequin was the acceptable era. Now them days are gone. I know people now regret cosigning this app now. I can see this becoming more destructive than Facebook! Please save your Kids from mindless consuming content. Do not allow them on this app!!!


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