HomeGamingTop Destiny 2 PvP Picks: Dominant Weapons for Trials of Osiris

Top Destiny 2 PvP Picks: Dominant Weapons for Trials of Osiris

One of the best things about PvP in Destiny 2 is that Bungie keeps releasing new weapons, which constantly changes the meta and makes the game more diverse. You can get any of the top guns by ordering the Destiny 2 trials carry service from professional gamers. But if you are still lost among such an abundance of guns and don’t know what to choose, then this guide is for you. We’ve put together a list of the top five Destiny 2 PvP weapons in Season of Wish to get you started winning Trials of Osiris.

5. Cloudstrike

At the start of Season of the Witch, Cloudstrike became less powerful, but this did not have much of an impact on the Exotic Sniper Rifle. This rifle is still good in both PvP and PvE, although its lightning damage is not as devastating. Its unique features are:

  • Mortal Polarity — If you eliminate an enemy with a headshot, lightning will strike its body, crippling close enemies and killing enemy Guardians in PvP.
  • Stormbringer — If you can hit multiple targets with great accuracy, it creates a lightning storm that gives you more damage against bosses.

It’s easy to control and feels great to use. In the right hands, Cloudstrike can still do some crazy multikills. That doesn’t make the riffle less fun to use, even though Mortal Polarity isn’t as merciful as it used to be.

4.Cataphract GL3

As soon as it was added to Trials of Osiris in Season 22, the GL3 Cataphract became the best heavy grenade launcher in the game. It’s funny that that statement is true for both PvP and PvE. Cataphract GL3 is truly menacing offering outstanding features:

  • Impulse Amplifier — It the weapon’s power and blast radius bigger.
  • Chain Reaction — It sets off an elemental explosion that hits nearby enemies.

Impulse Amplifier is an almost necessary thing for PvP, and Chain Reaction is one of the options, making this weapon one of the best choices for an HGL. 

3. Igneous Hammer (Adept)

When Igneous Hammer came out for the first time in Season 13, it was a good but not great Hand Cannon. However, a much-needed update in Season 22 has made it much better. And now the Solar weapon is one of the best in the PvP. Not only does it feel good to use, but the Igneous Hammer now has access to several top-level PvP features, such as Rapid Hit, Keep Away, and others: 

  • Keep Away — It makes the weapon more stable and extends its range, allowing players to keep enemies away.
  • Rapid Hit — It allows precision hits more stable and speeds up reloading, so you can fire more accurately and quickly.
  • Fragile Focus — This feature makes the weapon more stable and extends its range, allowing players to dispatch enemies with precise shots.
  • Rangefinder — It gets the weapon more accurate and extends its range, so you can shoot more accurately from far away.

While farming this primary can be time-consuming, it is well worth the effort given its current strength.

2. Thorn

Guardians have hardly thought they’d see a meta where Thorns were the most powerful again, but here we are. Out of all the weapons in Destiny 2, the Exotic Hand Cannon has become the most popular and is used more than any other, probably because of its amazing features, including: 

  • Mark of the Devourer — This unique feature makes enemies burn and give damage over time. Thanks to Mark of the Devourer, killing enemies with low health is absolutely possible.
  • Soul Devourer — This is an exotic feature that gives extra damage and leftover orbs when you kill someone. 
  • Corkscrew Rifling — This bonus feature makes the weapon more stable and extends its range, which lets players hit enemies more accurately.
  • Accurized Rounds — It renders the weapon more accurate, so players can shoot more accurately from farther away.

This may be a bit overstated now that its new catalyst is out, but it is still a great main and one of the best guns in PvP. Now is a great time to use Thorn if you haven’t done so in a while.

1. Conditional Finality

The Conditional Finality is one of the few guns in Destiny 2 that is good at both PvE and PvP, so it is exactly that. It is also one of our favorite weapons for a number of reasons:

  • Shortened Barrel — Makes handling much better, but range and steadiness are lost.
  • Alloy Magazine — When the clip is empty, it reloads faster.
  • The Paracausal Pellets — If you land almost all stasis pellets, targets will freeze; if you land almost all sun pellets, targets will catch fire.
  • Textured Grip — This feature makes it much easier to handle the weapon quickly, but the grip becomes slightly less stable.

Another great thing about Conditional Finality is that it poses a real threat and handles crowds naturally. It also deals free fragment damage. Along with the ability to freeze enemies and ease of use, this feature set makes Conditional Finality one of the best weapons in the Crucible.


The meta is constantly changing in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish with the release of new weapons and the reworking of old items. And now you know the top five popular PvP weapons in Destiny 2 that you can use and dominate in Season 23 of the Trials of Osiris. Advance your gameplay and get the max out of what Destiny 2 has to offer.

Hi, this is Arif Khan, Working as a full-time Editor at The teal mango Blog. With 5 years of experience as Content Editing Specialist and 4 years as Content Writer, together I got around 9 years of experience in this industry and I have worked with several niches including Tech, Entertainment, Sports and Fashion.


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