HomeFood20 Different Types of Coffee Drinks

20 Different Types of Coffee Drinks

It is a little tricky for passionate coffee drinkers to look at the menu and order the coffee they would like to have. There are a variety of coffee drinks available around the world.

At times it is possible that a coffee lover is standing in the queue not knowing what to order. There is a possibility that you will find it difficult to narrate the difference between coffee and espresso or Latte and Cappuccino.

There are different coffee drinks that one can opt for depending on their preference. Each coffee is made up of different types of coffee beans, caffeine levels, the strength of coffee, and other additional things like water or milk which makes it unique.

20 Types of Coffee in the World – All the details below

In order to avoid the dilemma of what to order when you visit a coffee shop next time, we have compiled a list of popular coffee drinks that are available around the world.

If you happen to visit any of these countries then you should definitely give it a try as these are the best coffee drinks that can be found at ethnic restaurants or in Starbucks outlets as well.

If you are not certain which coffee drink to order or variations available in the drink then read our article below which will give a brief description of these coffee drinks to help you understand the difference between the most popular coffee types originating from coffee-producing countries.

Let us now discuss 20 different varieties of coffee which are available across the world.

List of 20 Different Types of Coffee Drinks

In our article, we will first start with the most popular drinks available in most of the coffee shops worldwide which can be easily found. This will help you be prepared to order when your turn comes. There is always an option available to prepare one at home with an espresso machine.

1. Espresso (or Double Espresso)

Espresso which is also known as Double Espresso is the most popular drink available and it is also easy to make compared to other varieties. The coffee grounds are tightly packed into the filter and to prepare a very strong dark coffee hot water is pushed through force in the filter which is typically served in 1-2 ounce portions.

You might have overheard people order a double espresso nothing but twice the strength of the coffee which is found in a normal Espresso. So if you are in need of a shot of caffeine then you should definitely opt for a double espresso. People in Italy sometimes drink espresso after lunch or dinner.

2. Cappuccino

Cappuccino is undoubtedly the most popular coffee around the world which is akin to a flat white. It is the enhanced version of espresso being blended with little more milk before the milk foam is put on. In a nutshell, it is actually equal parts of espresso, milk, and milk foam. Cappuccino was traditionally a taste that is largely consumed in Europe, Australia, South America, and some parts of North America.

The cappuccino originated first in Italy in the 1930s and it is still one of the most popular coffee drinks in Italy. However, in Italy and throughout continental Europe people prefer to have a cappuccino only after breakfast which is accompanied by some kind of pastry at times but never after lunch or dinner. The name Cappuccino is derived from Capuchin friars which refers to the color of beverage when milk is added in small quantity to dark, brewed coffee.

3. Latte

A latte is also the most popular and preferred coffee drink worldwide. Latte is more or less the same as a cappuccino, but with extra milk and a small thin layer of foam on the top. If you are not fond of strong coffee then you will enjoy a latte for sure.

There are many flavored syrups available in most of the coffee shops which can be customized to a latte to give it a bit of flavor. In the United States of America, Vanilla lattes and pumpkin spice lattes are very popular versions of latte consumed by coffee lovers. Just in case you happen to make one at home then should definitely try out Creme Brulee latte as well.

4. Caffe Mocha

Caffe mocha is basically a chocolate version of a cafe latte. Mocha is a mix of coffee and milk drink with added chocolate which can either be in the form of cocoa or chocolate syrup. Alternatively, you can call it the adult version of chocolate milk.

Below are steps to be followed to prepare mocha at home:

Prepare 1 shot of espresso, add 1 cup milk of your choice and then add 3 tablespoons of chocolate syrup with whipped cream. With this, your Mocha is ready. You can add chocolate toppings as well to get more flavor.

5. Americano

An Americano coffee is extra water added to espresso. Most Americans prefer to have a larger cup of lower-strength coffee whereas Europeans prefer to drink high-strength coffee, like an espresso in small cups.

If you happen to be in Europe then you can go for an Americano which will resemble the coffee which you’re used to drinking at home. Actually, it is pretty close to a typical filter-brewed coffee.

6. Cafe au Lait

Cafe au Lait translation turns out to be just coffee with milk. Cafe au Lait is a strong filtered or brewed coffee, unlike an espresso which is added with warm milk. This drink is very popular in France and most of Northern Europe.

People often get a little confused with cafe latte which uses espresso instead of brewed coffee. It is also known as cafe con Leche in Spain and Milchkaffee in Germany but the taste remains intact even though the name is spelled differently. One can find a popular variation in Switzerland which is known as “café renversé”, which is just the opposite way of preparing coffee (coffee being added to milk as the base).

7. Flat White

There is some sort of debate about the origins of Flat White whether it is Australia or New Zealand. Irrespective of the fact where it was originated coffee lovers are just happy that someone had the vision to create such a lovely drink. It was not available all across the world until Starbucks started serving it.

There is a minor difference between a latte and a flat white. Both the drinks are more or less similar which is a combination of steamed milk and espresso. The flat white is actually a stronger version of the latte. One can have a flat white which is available in smaller portions as well.

8. Cortado

The roots of the Cortado drink can be traced in Spain. This drink is akin to a flat white albeit with a small difference. Cortado is pure espresso which is blended with steamed milk which is neither textured nor frothed in any way. It is made up of equal proportion i.e. 1:1 half espresso and half milk. This is the way Spanish people prefer to drink a small coffee which is also available in coffee shop menus around the world.

You would require an espresso machine with a milk steamer if you want to prepare a cortado. All you have to do is first brew the coffee, then heat the milk and add it slowly over the top of the coffee. That’s it!

9. Macchiato

The caffé macchiato is yet another coffee drink that originated in Italy. It is actually an espresso drink for the afternoon for Italians. It is neither a full-on shot of espresso nor a milky cappuccino instead it is espresso with a touch of milk. The milk actually tempers the acidity and strength of the espresso to a small extent.

Macchiato differs from the cortado wherein it’s just a splash of milk which is in the form of a foamed top unlike 1:1.

10. Caffe Crema

Cafe Crema was a popular drink in the Southern region of Switzerland and Northern Italy in the 1980s. It is similar to an espresso drink however the coffee used is more coarsely ground compared to standard espresso.

Also, Caffe Crema differs in size from an espresso wherein it is served in a larger format which is typically around 6 oz. It is not diluted like an Americano but instead, it is a long brewed espresso with different strengths. Even though the drink is named crema there is no milk or cream in it.

11. Café Cubano

Cafe Cubano takes its origin from Cuba. It is just like an espresso drink which is covered with a thick layer of sweet “cream”. The cream is formed by mixing the coffee with sugar till it forms foam. Once the foam is formed then espresso is poured over which floats to the top and resembles a cap on the coffee.

If you like sweet coffee then you will definitely appreciate a Cafe Cubano drink. If you happen to visit Cuba then it is a must-try as this drink is part of the Cuban culture.

12. Dalgona Coffee

Dalgona coffee which takes its origin from South Korea is just an instant coffee, which looks mesmerizing when the creamy whipped topping is added to it with the help of water and sugar. It tastes well when you scoop it on top of a glass of iced milk.

13. Irish Coffee

Irish coffee is likely to be found in the Irish Bar menu instead of the regular coffee shop menu. Irish coffee is a kind of mocktail that consists of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and demerara sugar which are stirred together with a thick cream added to it. You will find this drink sweet, rich, and warming at the same time.

14. Turkish Coffee

The way Turkish Coffee is prepared is a little different from most other coffees. It is made by boiling water with fine, medium roast coffee grounds in a copper pot with a round bottom, without a filter.

The thick foam which forms is then transferred to the cup and added with sugar as per requirement before it’s served. It’s a regular practice in Turkey to add a lot of sugar so ensure you ask for it to be less sweet if you are not fond of more sweet.

15. Greek Coffee

Greek coffee is akin to Turkish coffee except that coffee grounds used while preparing are not quite roasted. This makes the color of the coffee lighter and less roasted flavor. Greek Coffee is prepared in a tall, narrow pot which is locally called briki. Greek coffee is served very sweet like Turkish coffee.

16. Frappe

Frappé coffee is found in Greece and nearby countries like Cyprus which is a great drink in the summer season. It is one of the most popular cold coffee drinks in these countries and is preferably consumed in the afternoon.

It’s a foam-covered iced coffee drink that is made using instant coffee, water, sugar and served in a tall glass over ice.

17. Vietnamese Coffee

As the name suggests Vietnamese Coffee was originated in Vietnam and for sure you will fall in love with this drink if you try this in Vietnam. It is made with very fine ground coffee using a filter that sits above your cup and brews slowly.

There is a layer of condensed milk at the bottom of thick glass and one can see water drip slowly into the cup. The entire process takes around 4-5 minutes to complete so never order this if you are in hurry to leave.

18. Cafe de Olla

Café de olla is a traditional Mexican drink that is prepared in an earthen clay pot with ground coffee, cinnamon, and piloncillo.

Cafe de Olla has a high content of sugar with a delicious cinnamon flavor. Cafe de Olla is never served with milk. It is mostly preferred in regions where the climate is cold.

19. Affogato

Affogato is an Italian coffee-based dessert that is typically served in a glass. A scoop of Vanilla ice cream is topped on a hot or cold espresso which can be either a single or double-shot one. One can prefer to have whipped cream and sprinkles or chocolate sauce on top of this to make this a perfect afternoon snack.

20. Einspänner (Viennese Coffee)

The Einspänner coffee originated in Austria which is very similar to other coffees mentioned above. It’s prepared with a strong espresso mixed with sugar as the base.

It is then topped with a heavy whipped cream made with vanilla and sugar which is the perfect dessert in a glass.

So, which type of coffee drink from our list is your favorite? Do let us know in our comments sections!

Archana Kabra
Archana Kabra
Archana Kabra is a Freelance Writer and has been extensively writing stuff related to Entertainment, Lifestyle, and Technology. She is also an ardent music lover. Twitter handle: @archana153sarda


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